Declaration on accessibility

The DgG Community Centres strives to make its websites and applications accessible without barriers. The Digital Accessibility Statement is required by the Decree on Individual and Public Electronic Communications of Public Authorities of the German Language Area (legislation implementing Directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and of the Council).

This accessibility statement applies to the website

Status of compatibility with the requirements

This website is predominantly, but not yet fully, accessible. The requirements of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1 are largely met.

The following functions are currently supported

Enlarge font/display: The enlargement of the page display with the common browsers (for example Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Opera and Apple Safari) is done with “CTRL” and “+” for Windows and with “cmd” and “+” for Apple.
Reduce font/display: The page display can be reduced with the common browsers (e.g. Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Opera and Apple Safari) by pressing “CTRL” and “-” on Windows and “cmd” and “-” on Apple.
The contents of the website automatically adapt to the screen size of the device used (responsive web design).
Deposit of alternative texts for images. When the mouse glides over an image, the content of the image is explained. This information is taken into account by read-aloud software.
A browser-based text reading function (for example, from Firefox 49.0) is supported on most sub-pages. Due to their different content, this function is not available on the homepage.
Logical structure and arrangement of content.

Non-accessible contents 

The content listed below is not accessible for the following reasons:

Documents embedded in the website (.pdf, .docx, etc.).


The documents provided will be successively adapted.

Videos integrated into the website


It has not yet been possible to provide the videos with an audio description.

Cartography within the website


A cartographic representation is a helpful and very useful addition to information. Cartography is by nature a pictorial representation, which therefore cannot meet the requirements of full accessibility.

Editorial content (partial)


Due to the subject-specific content that is at least partially published in this website, simple language design (for example, the omission of technical terms) is not always possible.

Pictorial representations (e.g. infographics) or tabular listings are used to clarify contexts and for better illustration. These cannot be displayed barrier-free.

Contrasts (partial)


Some content has too low a contrast between foreground and background colour. A solution to this problem should be discussed with the website developer.

Missing alternative texts (partial)


Some images do not have an alternative text that allows the content of an image to be explained when the mouse glides over it. This information can also be taken into account by read-aloud software. Missing alternative texts are added progressively.

Further actions to implement accessibility will be discussed with the website developer.

This statement was last reviewed on 6 April 2021.

Feedback and contact details

You are welcome to send any questions or comments about the accessibility of this website by e-mail to or in writing to Kloster Heidberg Eupen, Bahnhofstraße 4 B-4700 Eupen.

Our aim is to write articles in such a way that they can also be understood by visitors who are not familiar, or only superficially familiar, with the subject matter in question. We will be happy to take your suggestions on board if you feel that an article makes the content to be conveyed unnecessarily complicated.

Enforcement procedure

In the event of a missing or unsatisfactory answer to your questions and comments on the accessibility of this website, we ask you to send your complaint first to the Management of the DgG Gemeinschaftszentren (Management Kloster Heidberg, Bahnhofstraße 4, 4700 Eupen).
If the processing of your complaint by the management of the DgG Gemeinschaftszentren is not satisfactory for you, you can contact the Ombudsman Service of the German-speaking Community, Platz des Parlaments 1, 4700 Eupen, by e-mail or in writing by mail.
You can also request an appointment by using the free number 0800 987 59. The Ombudsperson will review your complaint and try to mediate.